
Archive for June, 2012

Sometimes (all the time), I like to look for hints God might be giving me in Scripture by looking at numbers. I know that’s weird… I know you might think of that as a stretch. I think it’s cool and I feel it’s one of the biggest ways God speaks to me. For all you number-lovers out there (Hi Mom), here’s a look at some big numbers for the past few months:

0: the number of times I’ve heard the voice of God say, “Go to Africa.”

0: the number of times I’ve heard the voice of God say, “Don’t go to Africa.”

Just want to let you know… In my experience, God doesn’t yell His plans for you. He whispers. He tugs. He guides, but He never yells. That would be too easy. 🙂

3: the number of hours spent in REI looking at gear. Uff da! Yet, surprisingly fun!

5: the number of times a day that I think I must be crazy, and I have to remind myself that this is real life. .

28: the number of days until I leave for Arizona. Alright, is-this-real-life check number 6 of the day.

58: the number of individuals, couples, or families who are supporting me financially.

116: the number of dollars in the donation that reminded me of one of my favorite verses (“I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes”-Romans 1:16) & in turn one of the biggest reminders that God has always been in control of my support raising.

167: the number of days I’ll spend missing my family, friends, and dogs.

212: the number of days since I found out I had this opportunity… that’s just unreal. Makes 6 months seem like no time at all!

314: the number of dollars I have left to raise. What? That’s crazy cool! This number I had to investigate further… 

Looking at 3:14s produced some incredible verses. I urge you not to read, or take these out of context… but rather to look at what surrounds it for yourself 🙂 Yeah, that was a somewhat teacher move… Over it. Also, obviously I picked and chose 3:14 verses that spoke to me in the present–sorry Romans 3:14, you just didn’t quite cut it this time! Anyway… Lengthy, perhaps (but definitely Scripturally wonderful), here it is:

For this reason I bow my knees before the Father” -Ephesians 3:14.

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.“- Philippians 3:14.

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.”- Colossians 3:14

But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed.” -1 Peter 3:14

And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful.” -Titus 3:14

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’“”- Exodus 3:14 (Yeah, just went OT on you! Couldn’t help it… this was just too cool!)

For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.” -Hebrews 3:14

I’ve been uniquely and incredibly blessed and comforted by each of these numbers, as nerdy and lame as that sounds. I’ve been uniquely and incredibly blessed by each of you, too. My thanks will never be enough to tell you how much comfort and peace I find in knowing I have support in this adventure. You’re loved & cherished, by me, but even more so by the immeasurable God of the Universe.

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Home sweet home, eh?! I have to admit… some of this camping/outdoorsy stuff is pretty cool! Getting my tent and setting it up was an awesome experience! I’m pretty sure I’ll be a regular ol nature-loving, hippie, camping type after this! (Please, feel free to question that.) All in all, this whole day has been cool just getting miscellaneous small things for my trip (including more antibiotics than you can imagine). It was a really good day.

 Then I looked over some financial details.

Then I realized the deadline for funds that I thought was a month away is actually 6 days away.

*Insert small panic attack here*

Two thoughts immediately came to mind: “What the heck have I been reading in my mind the past 6 months?” and “I can’t do this.” I jumped to a conclusion about my own strength instead of jumping to the grace and power of God. 

I have no idea how I could have missed something this big. But I’m even more amazed that I immediately thought of what I would do, or wouldn’t be able to do, to make up for lost time. How foolish am I? I worry, yet Matthew 6:25 tells me that my Heavenly Father has me covered. I look to myself, yet John 15:4 says that apart from Jesus I can do nothing. I doubt, yet in Luke 18:27 Jesus promises that God conquers the seemingly impossible.

I’m going to get to Africa even if I don’t receive another penny from supporters, because Christ is leading me there. Though it will take a bit of a toll on my savings account, going is more important than saving. I don’t say that to get pity, or to try to tug on heartstrings, I say it as a promise to me, to you, to my team, and most importantly to God. 

Since I know I’ll be ok, since I know I’m not in danger of not being able to go… I know this panic attack/freak out/break down stems from something else. As I’ve been lazy in my fundraising, I’ve been lazy in my walk with the Lord. I’ve pushed my relationship with God to something that can wait until I’m giving all my time to serving him. I’ve let waiting get in the way of serving Him and spending time with Him now. That is what scares me the most about this: that I’ve let my faith take a beating from my own complacency. But while I’ve been pushing God to the back of my priorities list, He’s bulldozed His way to the front. He is definitely worthy of my #1 slot. This trip and this life is worthless if He’s not there. 

I’m excited to see how God uses the next 6 days. As my mom said, “I think God made this such a press on time so that when He does come through it really will be a miracle.” I love getting wisdom like that. God’s going to do big things, I’m confident in that. 

& here’s this… just because it’s great: For the Honor- Elevation Worship

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