
Archive for August, 2014

Dear Emily…

While unpacking boxes during my recent move, I stumbled on a letter I wrote to myself on the last day of Immersion. It’s amazing to me how much I still needed those words. I have been blessed by reading what I felt at a time when I felt closest to God, so I thought I’d share it with you! Here goes…

December 21, 2012

Dear Emily,

Right now I am nearing the end of the first greatest adventure of my life. You are someone entirely different. Undoubtedly, 6 months of life back in America has shaped you. As much as I wish it weren’t true, you and I are not the same girl. I hope and pray that these 6 months have been a time of joy, of growth, of learning, and of teaching. I pray that you have stepped out boldly on campus. Emily, you have a beautiful & precious light inside of you, & I pray that you are letting it shine. The gift of Christ on the cross was not just a nice gift, it is a catalyst for greater things that are to come. Listen & follow closely & God will invite you in to those great things.

Emily, remember the cost of following God with everything. It means denying yourself, losing your relationship with this world, & sometimes not having a single person on your side. Remember that what is right is often not easiest & is seldom what the crowd is doing. Know that you will be mocked, persecuted, and laughed at. Know that you will be the lowest of the low in this world & that life will be really, really hard.

But more importantly, Emily, remember it’s worth it. Remember that what is now is not even worth comparing to what is to come. Remember that He is with you always. Know that the love Christ has for you is unsurpassable and unfailing. Know that we belong to a Kingdom imperishable & unshakable. Remember that you are a beloved daughter of the King. Emily Kathryn Bostrom, it is worth it, it is worth it, CHRIST IS WORTH IT. He is everything, so give everything to Him.

You are weak. You are human, I’m sure by now you are back to being adjusted to American life & culture. Please, I beg you, do not get comfortable. Keep fighting against evil in the world. Keep seeking the Kingdom. Keep stepping into the unknown. Keep loving the others. Dine with the outcasts, Be a friend of sinners, Accept the rejected. Make company with the widows & orphans. When life feels easy, change it up. When you feel comfortable, do something different. Remember what Jesus’ life looked like… He was a friend of sinners, ate with tax collectors, touched the untouchables, & healed the broken. He is your example for what life should look like, so live like Him.

The Word of God is living and active. Listen to it. Soak it up. Abide in it. But please do not forget the power of prayer. Remember that a time of quietness and stillness with God is the greatest gift He can give you. He will reveal Himself to you. Don’t forget to listen.

I want you to remember Vredendal. I want you to remember falling in love with Africa. Remember the first time you went to the squatter camp. You were terrified just to get out of the bakkie! You were surrounded by poverty unlike anything you’d ever imagined. But you got out. & in the midst of a broken land, surrounded by broken people, you saw hope. There will never be a darkness that the light of Christ cannot shine through.

Now remember Lambert’s Bay Remember how beautiful the ocean was. Remember Stephen & Magda and the love they showed. Remember the care workers , going into the homes in the communities, and how much of an impact the smallest actions had. Remember Mariki, and the young boys & girls she was trying to reach. One person can have a great impact on the lives of youth if the work to gain their respect first. Pray for their hearts. Pray for their eyes to be opened to the love that only Christ can give. No one is ever too dirty or messed up for our God to heal. & Emily, please don’t forget that love conquers all. Love them, & then love them more. Just please don’t stop.

Do you remember Mozambique? Do you remember how hot it was, how grumpy you got, & how much sitting around you did? It was really, really hard. But Emily, I don’t want you to ever forget how much spiritual growth you had from that time. Don’t forget what companionship with God feels like & how great it is to communicate with Him constantly. That is what your faith should always be like. I’m sure you’ve waivered from that these 6 months, & that’s ok. God isn’t expecting you to be perfect, Emily. He just wants you. Please, keep striving for a faith like you had in Mozambique. Keep learning to depend on God. He can be your best friend if you let Him. Emily, please don’t let the challenge of something keep you from doing it. God does His best rescuing when there’s stormy weather. In order for Him to shape you things have to get a bit messy. The hard times in life are not a result of God not loving you, they’re a result of God teaching you to be holier, more like Himself.

Remember Lesotho. Think about the breathtaking beauty that surrounded you. Remember what it felt like to be in love with creation. Go outside & thank God for whatever He’s created wherever you are. Breathe in the air & thank God for life. Remember that God takes great pride in His creation. Look at the stars tonight. Remember how brilliantly they shined in Lesotho and how amazed you were. Your God is so BIG, Emily. & the most amazing thing about Him is that while He can breathe out stars, & cause mountains to crumble, & breathe life into the whales in the sea, this amazing God loves you more than all of these. He cares for you & knows you intricately. Please stop taking that for granted. Revel in the fact that the Lord loves you so much & created you in His image. It’s a churchy thing to say that might feel numb… but please soak it up. Your God is big & powerful… but He chooses to love you & will choose that again & again & again. There is not one day in all of history that God would not send His son to die for you.

Times are going to get tough real soon. If they haven’t already, it’s coming. Satan is going to do everything He can to combat what these past 6 months have been to you & to the Kingdom. Just remember that the battle is already won. Tomorrow I step back into the whirlwind. I can’t believe it. I know that the most meaningful thing from this experience will be what I do with it after the fact. It’s time to apply it to real life. I’m proud of you & all the big leaps you’ve made on this trip.

Alright. U Rock. Never change (except do when God tells you 🙂 )

Love, Me.

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